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Position: Home >> Authors >> Final Paper Upload

The DEADLINE for all accepted paper submissions (both):

"IEEE Xplore compliant PDF paper" version + An Electronic IEEE Copy Rright Form (eCF)

is: May 5, 2024.

Please READ all the way to the END, especially what is written in BOLD to avoid any problem with your paper.

All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font including figures, without incurring additional page charges). Two additional pages are allowed but at an extra charge (8 pages in total with 2 over-length pages). The over-length page fee will be charged to each of the over-length pages, at 50 $ (us dollars) per page in the final camera-ready version.

Standard IEEE Conference templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats can be found at:


Please note that this template is based on the IEEE paper template, but you must not put any text at the bottom of the first page, although the original IEEE template has a copyright notice there.  Pls delete "XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE". The copyright transfer should be done after the final manuscripts of the accepted papers have been submitted to EDAS.

  1.  Register for conference -- Register Here!

You MUST register before uploading your final paper. Papers will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author has registered and paid the registration fee.


2. Final paper ready

     Step I. Accepted Paper Format

Manuscripts MUST take into consideration ALL reviewers' comments.

Preparing Manuscripts MUST follow IEEE Two-Column format with single-spaced, ten-point font in the text (see: Template ) –  The maximum manuscript length is six (6) pages (Maximum 2 additional pages (8 pages in Total)). All figures, tables, references, etc. are included in the page limit.

Please make sure NOT to number your pages.  Do not insert any footers or headers.  Do not use any PDF security features in submitted PDF files, i.e., they must be fully accessible and editable by the producer for numbering and other production purposes.

Very important: Please make sure you include the following 6 points in your FINAL camera-ready manuscript


2)Names of ALL authors

3)Affiliation of ALL authors

4)Emails of ALL authors


6)Index Terms

Important Note: If any of the above 6 points is missing, your paper will be RETURNED to you as INCOMPLETE.

Step II. Generate an IEEE Xplore compatible manuscript using PDF Xpress (PDF Conversion)

All accepted paper submissions must be electronic, using IEEE Xplore compliant PDF format (*.pdf). A failure to do so may result in the rejection of the paper.  Authors can use the IEEE PDF eXpress tool to generate compliant PDF files (Conference ID: 61200X). The  ieee-pdf-express website for ID:61200X was opened on Mar. 30, 2024.

If you don't have your account in this website https://ieee-pdf-express.org/, pls firstly create account.  

  Step III. Electronic IEEE Copy Rright Form (eCF)

ONLY ONE author MUST Submit an Electronic IEEE Copy Rright Form (eCF). Printable copies of the IEEE Copyright Form in PDF, HTML, and DOC formats are NO longer available. Pls transfer your  IEEE Copy Rright Form in EDAS system (automatically linked to IEEE website).

Detailed steps are as follows.

  Step IV. Upload your Xplore compatible PDF manuscript to EDAS

        Please upload the previous "IEEE Xplore compliant PDF paper"  by going to “My Papers” tab and clicking on the “Upload” icon under the row “Final Manuscript” where the corresponding paper is located.   

  Step V. Notify US

      Please send your EDAS 10-digital paper number, paper title, payer, and payment proof of registration fee to our email address: rfat@szu.edu.cn 

Reminder I. What to Submit

One author MUST submit BOTH:

"IEEE Xplore compliant PDF paper" & An Electronic IEEE Copy Right Form (eCF) by the EDAS system. (to the same EDAS link under the same EDAS number of the original paper submission)

Reminder II. Other Items

Presentation Mode:

All accepted IEEE iWRF&AT papers MUST be presented ORALLY.

1)The presentation time is ranging between 10 to 20 min for each paper depending on your research findings & research results followed by questions from the audience.

2)Online participation ONLY for overseas participants.

3)Participants of Mainland China should attend the conference in person.

Reminder III. Our Conference Copyright Number

   979-8-3503-8476-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE